Friday, August 10, 2012

Ways to Avoid Foreclosure

We came across this interesting piece that discusses options to avoid foreclosure. It's a great summary of your options when faced with the hardship of foreclosure. If a short sale is an option you'd like to explore, please don't hesitate to call or email. We've completed many successful short sales and are more than happy to try to help you!


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Monday, August 6, 2012

Should I Rent My House If I Can't Sell It?

About one out of every five potential sellers we meet with asks the question...."Should I rent my house if I can't sell it?" We're not at liberty to tell anyone what they should and shouldn't do, but below are some questions you should consider before making your decision.

10 Questions to Ask BEFORE Renting Your Home

1.) How will you respond if your tenant says they can’t afford to pay the rent this month because of more pressing obligations? (This happens most often during holiday season and back-to-school time when families with children have extra expenses).

2.) Because of the economy, over ten percent of homeowners can no longer make their mortgage payment. What percent of tenants do you think can no longer afford to pay their rent?

3.) Have you interviewed a few experienced eviction attorneys in case a challenge does arise?

4.) Have you talked to your insurance company about a possible increase in premiums as liability is greater in a non-owner occupied home?

5.) Will you allow pets? Cats? Dogs? How big a dog?

6.) How will you actually collect the rent? By mail? In person?

7.) Repairs are part of being a landlord. Who will take tenant calls when necessary repairs arise?

8.) Do you have a list of craftspeople readily available to handle these repairs?

9.) How often will you do a physical inspection of the property?

10.) Will you alert your current neighbors that you are renting the house?

The above questions were part of an article from Steve Harney and the KCM blog. They're great questions and we encourage anyone considering renting to think long and hard about them before making a decision.

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